Official Contest Rules

The following rules, terms, and conditions (“Official Rules”) govern your potential entry and participation in CNGS Dubai ("Contest").  Your decision to seek entry into CNGS Dubai constitutes your unconditional acceptance of and agreement to be bound by these Official Rules and all decisions of the Event Producer as final.  

1. Definitions
  1. The organizer of Canada’s Next Great Startup Dubai 2025 (hereinafter “CNGS Dubai 2025” and/or “Contest” and/or “Event”) is ENTREPRENEUR VILLAGE LTD. (hereinafter “EV” and/or “Event Producer”) in cooperation with Kadri Law (hereinafter “KL” and/or “Event Cooperator”).
    1. Canadian National Startup Championships (hereinafter “CNSC”).
    2. An individual who registers a Submission of Interest (“SOI”) shall be referred to as a “Founder”.
    3. Every SOI registered must be in the name of a single Founder
    4. Any reference to “you” and/or “your” within these Official Rules is a reference to a Founder and/or their startup business if the same has launched and/or is a separate legal entity as described herein and together the Founder and the startup business shall be considered one in the same using “you” and/or “your” herein.
    5. An individual is a Founder if they register a SOI for an innovative startup business idea that has not yet been launched.  If the Founder has already launched their startup business idea and operates the same as a sole proprietor or an incorporated legal entity, provided that the Founder has been doing business for less than 36 months preceding the date of SOI registration, they are eligible to register a SOI.
    6. A Founder selected by the Event Producer to participate in the Contest may receive an Invitation to Participate (“ITP”) if their SOI is found to meet the requirements of these Official Rules. A Founder who receives an ITP and is selected to participate in the Contest may also be referred to as a “Contestant”.
    7. Every Founder and/or Contestant represents and warrants that they wholly own, without any restrictions or limitations, any and all Intellectual Property (“IP”) associated with their startup business.
    8. If the startup is an incorporated legal entity, every Founder and/or Contestant represents and warrants they have full and unconditional authority to bind the legal entity in which the startup business operates.
2. Dates, Times, Locations and Periods
  1. The official website address for CNGS is:
  2. The “SOI Period” is expected to open 3 months in advance of the Contest date and close two (2) weeks before the Contest date.  The official website will post the exact dates for the SOI Period.
  3. The official website will post the exact location, dates and times for the Contest.  
  4. The “Judging Period” begins with the commencement of the first startup pitch and concludes when a winner of the CNGS Dubai 2025 Contest is declared by the Event Producer.
3. Eligibility to register a submission of interest ["SOI"] and how to register
  1. In order to be eligible to register a SOI, you must meet the requirements of these Official Rules and the following conditions:  (a) Be a legal resident of the UAE; and (b) Must have an idea for an innovative new startup business that meets the requirements for entry as established by the Event Producer in compliance with these Official Rules; and  (d) Must be willing and able to launch your startup in both the UAE and Canada;
  2. The official website will contain the most up-to-date eligibility requirements for CNGS Dubai 2025.
  3. Anyone who wishes to enter the Contest must register a SOI online at the official website.
  4. Demo Video.  You will have the option to submit a demo video when submitting your SOI.  Instructions will be provided for submitting an eligible demo video to be accepted and considered by the Event Producer.
  5. Registering a SOI does not in any way guarantee you will be selected to participate in the Contest.
  6. Once the deadline for registering a SOI has passed, no submission may be revised or altered.  Any submission deemed incomplete by the Event Producer will not be considered. All submissions received will be pre-screened by the Event Producer.  Each SOI will receive a pre-screening PASS or FAIL grade.
  7. If a SOI does not meet initial pre-screening criteria, it will receive a FAIL grade and the Founder will not be considered to participate in the Contest.  The Event Producer is under no obligation to acknowledge, notify or communicate with a Founder if they received a FAIL grade, or if they received a PASS grade but were not selected to participate in the Contest.
  8. If a SOI appears to meet pre-screening criteria, it will receive a PASS grade.   Each SOI that receives a PASS grade will be ranked based on the Event Producer’s established criteria for acceptance into the Contest.  The Event Producer will select up to a maximum of 10 of the top ranking SOI’s receiving a PASS grade and they will be invited to participate in the Contest.  Based on the number of SOI’s receiving a PASS grade, a final number of contestants will be selected and invited to participate in the Contest.
  9. Every Founder who registers a SOI understands and acknowledges that under no circumstances will their participation in this Contest, in any way, including but not limited to, being selected Contest winner and/or guarantee the individual will be approved for a Canadian Non-Immigrant and/or Immigrant Visa.
4. Event Producer's Initial Pre-Screening Criteria

The following criteria, in their totality, will determine a PASS or FAIL grade at the first stage screening:

  1. Is the Founder a lawful resident of the UAE?
  2. Does the Founder’s startup venture appear to be innovative?
  3. Does the Founder’s startup have the potential to scale and grow globally?
  4. Is the Founder essential to the launch of the proposed new startup venture?
  5. Does the Founder have sufficient financial resources to support the launch of the new startup venture?
5. Invitation to Participate ("ITP") in the Contest
  1. If you receive an ITP, you must submit a complete Contestant Entry Application (CEA) before the deadline   set by the Event Producer. The official website will contain all CEA instructions and guidelines.  The Application Deadline to submit a complete CEA will be posted at
6. Judges Evaluation and Selection Criteria
  1. The Event Producer will select a group of not less than 12 and not more than 16 Contest judges.  The Contest judges will compromise the Judges Panel (“Pitch Pen”).  The Contest judges in the Pitch Pen will evaluate and score the startup pitch of each Contestant selected to participate in the Contest.
  2. Every Contestant must appear at a date and time determined by Event Producer to make their startup pitch. They will have (5) minutes to make their best pitch, and then there will be a (5) minute question-and-answer period that follows and together the entire (10) minute period shall comprise a Contestant’s startup pitch.
  3. The Event Producer will pre-select, prior to the Contest commencing, a group of no less than (4) Contest judges who will be the only judges to ask questions of a particular Contestant during the question-and-answer period.  
  4. Prior to the Contest commencing, the Event Producer will designate three (3) Contest judges as “super judges”.  They will vote for a Contest Winner if the final tie-breaking procedures herein are necessitated.
  5. All Contest judges will be provided with official scoring sheets to evaluate all Contestant startup pitches. After each Contest judge completes a scoring sheet, they will submit it to the Event Producer.  All judging and decisions of the Contest Judges and/or Event Producer are final, non-appealable, and binding.  Contest judges shall apply the judging criteria as established by the Event Producer when judging a startup pitch.
  6. By participating in the Contest, Contestants agree they have no right to request, and the Event Producer has no obligation to disclose, the score(s) and/or assessment(s) awarded to the Contestant for their startup pitch in the Pitch Pen or any other information of any kind related to the Contestant’s participation in the Contest.
7. Judging Criteria Established by the Event Producer
  1. All Contestants acknowledge, understand, and fully consent to have their startup pitch in the Pitch Pen scored according to the following criteria:
    1. Evaluation of the Contestant’s demonstration of entrepreneurial spirit.
    2. Evaluation of the Contestant’s explanation of the problem being solved by the startup.
    3. Evaluation of the Contestant’s explanation of the proposed solution offered by the startup.
    4. Evaluation of the Contestant’s overall communication skills.
    5. Evaluation of the Contestant’s overall ability to answer the questions of the Contest judges.
    6. Evaluation of the Contestant’s overall pitch presentation.
    7. Evaluation of the level of innovation and technology involved in the proposed startup.
    8. Evaluation of the sustainability, scalability and the ability to scale and grow between the UAE and Canada.
    9. Evaluation of the target market of this startup and why they would care if this solution is brought to market.
    10. Evaluation of the size of the market opportunity and business potential for this startup.
    11. Evaluation of the potential impact of the proposed startup.
    12. Evaluation of the Contestant’s business model and revenue models to be executed by the startup.
    13. Evaluation of the startup’s competitive advantage in the marketplace.
    14. Evaluation of the Contestant’s ability and resources to bring this startup to market.
    15. Evaluation of the Contestant’s startup team and financial resources to support its launch.
    16. Evaluation of how the startup can create jobs.
    17. Evaluation of the Contestant’s knowledge of its target markets and the level of market research undertaken.
8. Selecting a contest winner
  1. The Event Producer will tabulate and confirm all final scores awarded to each Contestant. The Event Producer shall rank each Contestant based on the highest awarded final scores and then declare a Contest winner and 2 runner-up semi-finalists.  
  2. TIE BREAKING PROCEDURES.  In the event of a tie score between Contestants receiving the same final high scores, the following tiebreaking procedures will be followed: (a) FIRST TIE-BREAKING PROCEDURE.  In order to break a high score tie and determine the Contest winner, the first tie-breaking procedure will involve reviewing the scoring sheets submitted by the four (4) Contest judges who were selected to conduct the question-and-answer period of each Contestant tied with a high score. (b) FINAL TIE-BREAKING PROCEDURE. If the first tie breaking procedure fails to produce a Contestant with a singular high score, the final tie breaking procedure will require the (3) super judges designated by the Event Producer to vote on which of the tied Contestant’s they feel shall be declared the Contest winner.  In the event of a tie score involving any Contestants who are competing for one of the four (4) runner-up semi-finalist spots, the same tiebreaking procedures as stipulated above will be followed.
9. Contest Prize Packages
  1. Semi-Finalist Prize. The Event Producer will name (2) runner-up semi-finalists and rank them as 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up based on the final scores there were awarded. Prize packages, if any, that may be awarded to each semi-finalist are at the sole discretion of the Event Producer.
  2. 1st Place Contest Winner Prize.  The CNGS Dubai 2025 Contest Winner may be eligible to receive, subject to the terms and conditions stipulated herein, the following 1st Place Prize:
    1. After being announced the Contest Winner, the Event Producer in accordance with these Official rules will award a cash prize of $10,000 CAD to the Contest Winner to support the launch of its startup in the UAE.  
    2. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE CASH PRIZE, the CNGS Dubai 2025 Contest winner will be awarded a spot to compete at the Canadian National Startup Championships in Ontario Canada scheduled to take place in 2025.  The Date, Location, and Times of the Canadian National Startup Championships will be announced and posted at
    3. The Contest Winner will be provided an all expenses (travel and accommodation) paid trip to Ontario Canada in order to compete in the 2025 Canadian National Startup Championships for the opportunity to win the 1st Place Grand Prize Package valued at $250,000 CAD (See sec. 15.24).
    4. The Contest Winner will also be awarded Legal Fees for Kadri Law services that support the preparation and filing of all Immigration Visa application(s) including representing the Contest Winner on all Canadian visa application(s) in order for the them seek permission to travel to Canada for the 2025 Canadian National Startup Championships.  Prize Value: Up to $10,000 CAD.
    5. In support of the Canadian Visa application process, the CNGS Dubai 2025 Contest Winner will receive Business Consulting and Advisory Support (BCAS) services provided by the Event Producer:  Prize Value: Up to $10,000 CAD.  
  3. For greater clarity, the contest winner of CNGS Dubai 2025 will receive a 1st Place Prize Package that includes both cash prize(s) and other non-cash prizes once declared the CNGS Dubai 2025 Contest Winner.  This includes the opportunity to compete at the Canadian National Startup Championships for the 1st Place Grand Prize Package valued at $250,000 CAD, subject to the conditions stipulated in sec. 15.24.  
  4. Winning the CNGS Dubai 2025 competition includes the opportunity to compete for the 1st Place Prize Package at the Canadian National Startup Championships and any other possible investment opportunities associated with the same.  These Official Rules set out the requirements and conditions (see sec. 11) that must be met for the Contest Winner to receive any prize, in whole or in part, including all restrictions and limitations as stipulated herein.
10. Conditions precedent to be eligible to receive the entire 1st Place Grand Prize Package
  1. For a Contestant at CNGS Dubai 2025 to be eligible to successfully receive any or part of the 1st Place Prize it is conditional upon their ability to meet all of the following requirements and conditions:
    1. The Event Producer, in their sole and absolute discretion, must determine that the Contest winner has, at all material times, fully and unconditionally complied with these Official Rules; and
    2. Successfully completing the Event Producer’s due diligence process.  Subject to completing the same, a mutually agreeable valid investment agreement must be executed by the Contest Winner, if applicable (see section 13); and
    3. To support the launch of the Contest Winner’s startup in the UAE, a cash prize of $10,000 CAD will be awarded.
    4. The Contest winner will be granted the opportunity to compete at the Canadian National Startup Championships to be held in Ontario Canada in 2025, subject to sec. 15.24 herein. The Contest winner must be granted admission into Canada to compete at the Canadian National Startup Championships.  The Event Producer will utilize its best efforts to assist the contest winner in making the necessary Canadian visa applications required to enter Canada and compete in the 2025 CNSC.  Visa approvals are made by the Government of Canada and the Event Producer has no control over the Visa approval process.  A final decision on whether the Contest winner will be granted a Canadian Visa rests solely with the government of Canada and in no way does the Event Producer have any influence or control over this process. The Event Producer makes no representations or warranties that the Contest Winner will be issued a Visa and/or granted entry into Camada to compete at the 2025 CNSC.
    5. The Contest Winner must utilize Kadri Law to prepare and file all Canadian immigration Visa application(s). This includes, but is not limited to, pursuing an application to seek the necessary visa approvals that will facilitate their entry into Canada for the 2025 CNSC.  NOTE: Kadri Law will utilize its best efforts to prepare and file the best possible visa applications. However, a final decision on whether the Contest winner will be approved for any Canadian Visa Application rests solely with the government of Canada and in no way does Kadri Law have any influence or control over this process.  Kadri Law makes no representations or warranties as to the success of any Visa application(s) processed by the Government of Canada. All fees for Kadri Law legal services are included in the 1st Place Prize awarded to the Contest winner provided the same does not exceed $10,000 CAD.
    6. In support of any Canadian immigration visa application(s) process, the CGS Dubai 2025 contest winner will receive Business Consulting and Advisory Support (BCAS) services provided by Entrepreneur Village (EV). This includes, but is not limited to, BCAS services that may be required and/or beneficial as part of pursuing an application to seek the necessary visa approvals that will facilitate their entry into Canada for the 2025 CNSC.  NOTE: EV will utilize its best efforts to provide BCAS services that may enhance Canadian visa applications. However, a final decision on whether the Contest winner will be approved for any Canadian Visa Application rests solely with the government of Canada and in no way does EV have any influence or control over this process.  EV makes no representations or warranties as to any of its BCAS services and the influence and/or effect the same will have on the success of any Canadian Visa application(s) processed by the Government of Canada. All fees for EV BCAS services are included in the 1st Place Prize package awarded to the Contest winner provided the same does not exceed $10,000 CAD.
    7. If the CNGS Dubai 2025 contest winner receives the necessary Canadian immigration visa approval(s) to travel to Canada and compete at the 2025 Canadian National Startup Championships, the Event Producer shall provide travel and accommodation for the CNGS Dubai 2024 contest winner.  This includes airfare and hotel accommodations provided by the Event Producer, in their sole and absolute discretion, for a 10 day trip to Canada that will allow the CNGS Dubai 2025 contest winner to participate in the Canadian National Startup Championships.
  1. Failure to demonstrate all conditions and requirements contained in these Officials Rules have been completed and complied with, to the sole satisfaction of Event Producer, will result in Event Producer being released from any commitment to award the 1st Place Prize, in whole or in part.
  2. The Event Producer does not in any way represent or guarantee that any Contestant will succeed in the process of obtaining any Visa necessary to enter Canada.   If the Contest Winner fails to obtain the necessary visa approvals needed to enter Canada, the Event Producer will do its utmost to work with Event partners and using its best efforts in good faith will evaluate all possible options that would enable the winner of CNGS Dubai 2025 to legally enter Canada and/or otherwise participate in the Canadian National Startup Championships to compete for the 1st Place Grand Prize Package.
11. Due Diligence to be performed by Event Producer

Anyone seeking entry into the Contest agrees to fully comply and cooperate with all due diligence performed by the Event Producer in connection with their participation in the Contest, and with the scope and extent of the same determined by the Event Producer in its sole and absolute discretion.  This due diligence process shall determine the truth, accuracy, and compliance with these Official Rules by all Contestants.  Failure to fully cooperate is grounds for disqualification from the Contest in its entirety.  The Event Producer may, in its sole and absolute discretion, request any documentation whatsoever that it determines is required to complete its due diligence and to ensure full compliance with these Official Rules.

12. Event Producer Additional Investment Opportunity with Contest Winner
  1. Additional Investment Opportunities. The Event Producer, and the Contest Winner or any other Contestant may decide together on any additional investment opportunities that are agreed upon by all Parties.  The Event Producer, in its sole and absolute discretion, may offer additional investment opportunities to the Contest Winner or any other Contestant without being limited or constrained by these Official Rules.
  2. Any Investment Opportunity offered by the Event Producer will be subject to the terms of an Investment Agreement and subject to the Event Producer’s due diligence process.  
  3. To avoid any ambiguity, if another entity or person participating in the Contest as a Partner, Sponsor, or Contest Judge offers any Contestant the opportunity to provide any due diligence and/or an investment opportunity, the Event Producer will not be responsible for that due diligence or investment decision in any way. Every Contestant agrees and acknowledges that any offers by any person or entity other than from the Event Producer are not in the control nor at the behest of the Event Producer, and there are no claims that can be asserted by any Contestant against the Event Producer for actions of these persons and/or entities.
13. No right to Privacy or Confidentiality
  1. All Contestants fully acknowledge that the Contest, and any associated competitions, may be open to the public, including all media. It is the responsibility of everyone seeking to enter the Contest to keep confidential all information intended to be confidential and to maintain the confidentiality of their own IP and trade secrets. The decision to participate in the Contest and what information will be shared with the Event Producer as part of competing in the Contest is the sole and absolute responsibility of those who seek entry into the Contest.  Anyone who registers a SOI and/or is invited to compete in the Contest accepts unconditionally that there is no right or guarantee of privacy and/or confidentiality that is provided or implied by the Event Producer. Everyone seeking to participate in the Contest has the obligation not to release any proprietary information, trade secrets, or any similar content and/or information as part of their participation in the Contest, and they accept any and all risks associated with the release of the same.
  2. Every Contestant authorizes the Event Producer and all Event partners to use, in their sole and absolute discretion, their names, information, submission materials, startup pitch, interviews, and likenesses of any kind whatsoever, including but not limited to, for use in broadcast rights sold by the Event Producer, video, print and electronic media in any form and any such manner as the Event Producer may deem appropriate for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the Contest, and the same will be done by the Event Producer without any permission or license required and without any compensation or payment to the Contestant.
  3. Event Producer is granted the unconditional authority to collect personal data from and about an individual and/or Startup seeking to enter the Contest, including all submission materials and presentation content required by the Event Producer.  By seeking entry into the Contest, you expressly agree and unconditionally consent to the collection and use of all information submitted.
14. General Terms and Conditions
  1. Anyone seeking entry into the Contest agrees that these Official Rules are the controlling rules for the Contest and agree to be bound exclusively by these Official Rules and all decisions of the Event Producer.
  2. A failure to enforce any term(s) of these Official Rules will not constitute a waiver of that provision or bar the Event Producer from subsequent enforcement of that term, condition, or rule.
  3. All Contestants acknowledge and agree that any investment offered by the Event Producer may require compliance with various securities laws, rules, and/or regulations, and you agree to comply with the same.
  4. All Contestants acknowledge and agree the Event Producer will not provide any legal, tax, or investment advice.  The Event Producer strongly recommends that every Contestant obtain such advice from qualified professionals before its participation in this Contest and before accepting any investment opportunity.
  5. The headings in these Official Rules are inserted for convenience and identification purposes only, and are not intended to describe, interpret, define or limit the scope or intent of these Official Rules.
  6. By seeking to participate in the Contest in any way, you waive any right to claim ambiguity of these Official Rules or to take advantage of any interpretation of these Official Rules that may arise from such claim.
  7. All Contestants acknowledge and agree that these Official Rules will be construed by the Event Producer in its sole and absolute discretion, and its decisions will be binding and final.
  8. No prize(s) awarded at the Contest are transferable or assignable to any other person or entity. Prizes have no cash value unless otherwise indicated in the Official Rules. The Contest Winner and any semi-finalist are solely responsible for any federal, state, provincial and local taxes, if applicable.
  9. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE EVENT PRODUCER. Nothing in these Official Rules or in any other statements made in connection with the Contest, grants the right or license to use any intellectual property of the Event Producer. You agree not to use, in any way, the name, trademarks, service marks, logos, any copyrighted material or any other intellectual property of the Event Producer (collectively, “EVENT PRODUCER IP”) without the express written consent of the Event Producer. Further, you agree not to use as your own, any service mark, service name, trade name, trademark, design or logo(s) confusingly similar to those part of or otherwise embodied in the Event Producer IP. The Event Producer retains all rights of any kind to promote the Contest and anyone’s participation in the Contest in its sole and absolute discretion in accordance with these Official Rules.
  10. NO OBLIGATION REGARDING SUBMISSION MATERIALS. By seeking to participate in the Contest, you acknowledge that third parties may be asked to submit information to the Event Producer as part of the Contest, or separate from the Contest, and that said materials may contain information, ideas, concepts, and approaches similar to, or the same as, those any Contestant may submit.  The Event Producer may already be working on information, ideas, concepts, and approaches similar to, or the same as, those that a Contestant may submit to participate in the Contest. By seeking entry into the Contest, you acknowledge and agree that the Event Producer’s actions with respect to another entry or work of its own or of any third party, even if similar to, or the same as, any Contestant’s entry submissions, will not in any way create any liability of any kind to the Event Producer or other parties involved in the Contest.
  11. RELEASE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  By participating in the Contest, each Contestant (individually or on behalf of any legal entities under its direction and control, including any of its employees or representatives associated with the Contestant), agrees and acknowledges that to the extent permitted by applicable law: (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with the Contest, including as applicable any prize award, will be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (b) any and all claims, judgments, settlements, and awards will be limited to reasonable, actual third-party, out-of-pocket costs incurred (if any) and shall not in any circumstances exceed $500 CAD, and in no event or circumstance will attorneys’ fees be awarded or recoverable; (c) under no circumstances will any Contestant (on behalf of itself, its employees, officers or directors, and any other representatives associated with the Contestant) be permitted to obtain any award for or on behalf of the Contestant, and hereby knowingly and expressly waives all right to seek, punitive, incidental, consequential or special damages, lost profits, and/or any other type of damages, other than actual out-of-pocket third party expenses actually incurred (if any) for which the same will not exceed $500 CAD, or any right to have any damages multiplied or otherwise increased; and (d) each startup (on behalf of itself, its employees, directors or officers, and any other representatives associated with the Contestant) irrevocably waives any right to seek any such injunctive or equitable relief.
  12. ADDITIONAL INDEMNIFICATION. Every Contestant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the Event Producer and its partners, sponsors, Contest judges, and any other persons associated with the production of the Contest, and any of their employees, representatives, agents, attorneys, affiliates, directors, employees, officers, managers, and shareholders (the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from any damage, loss, cost, or expense (including without limitation, attorneys’ fees and all costs) incurred in connection with any third-party claim, demand, or action (“claim”) brought or asserted against any of the Indemnified Parties, alleging facts or circumstances that would constitute a breach of any provision of the these Official Rules by the Contestant or arising from, related to, or connected with their entry in the Contest, submission materials, presentation content and participation in any way in any aspect of the Contest, including receipt of any prize and/or investment. If you are obligated to provide indemnification pursuant to this provision, the Event Producer may, in it’s sole discretion, control the disposition of any claim at the Contestant’s cost and expense. Without limitation of the foregoing, the Contestant may not settle, compromise, or in any manner dispose of a claim without Event Producer’s express written consent.
  13. ASSUMPTION OF RISK. Anyone seeking entry into the Contest, assumes any and all risks associated with the publicity, promotion, broadcast, and any related use of their submission materials and presentation content arising from or in connection with the Contest, and expressly waives and releases any and all claims or causes of action against the Event Producer, their officers, employees, representatives, agents, and Event partners for any and all injury and/or damage of any nature and kind whatsoever (whether existing or arising thereafter, whether direct, indirect, or consequential, and whether the same was foreseeable or not).
  14. PUBLICITY AND LICENSE GRANT. Anyone seeking entry into the Contest understands they are granting the Event Producer and any other third parties acting on the Event Producer’s behalf, a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable license to display publicly and use the Contestant’s entry in the Contest (including all submission materials and presentation contents submitted to the Event Producer irrespective of whether they are selected to compete in the Contest) for promotional or any other purposes in perpetuity and without further consideration or payment of any type. Except where prohibited by law, anyone seeking entry into the Contest expressly grants the Event Producer an irrevocable license and consent in perpetuity to use, in its sole and absolute discretion, their name, logo and any associated trademarks owned and controlled by them, the location, photo or likeness, and/or their background story, and the submission materials and presentation content, in whole or in part, in connection with the Contest and the startup business of Founder and/or Contestant, in any form of media, broadcast, or other similar promotion, whether now known or hereafter created, worldwide, without further permission, payment, or consideration.  Without limiting any other terms of these Official Rules, by seeking to participate in the Contest, every individual and/or related entity represents and warrants that they will comply with these Official Rules and that they have sufficient rights to authorize the publication and dissemination of any and all information and materials referenced herein as contemplated in these Official Rules.
  15. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTIONS. All issues concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules and/or the rights and obligations of each Contestant, and of any related or authorized individual or entity of the Contestant, or the rights and obligations of the Event Producer, Contest Judges and anyone involved in administering the Contest will be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of Canada without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause the application of the laws of any other country or jurisdiction.  Any litigation arising out of, in connection with, or relating to these Official Rules must be pursued exclusively in a Canadian court of proper jurisdiction, and each Contestant participating in the Contest, and any related person or entity, consents to the jurisdiction of Canadian courts.
  16. LIMIT ONE (1) ENTRY PER FOUNDER. No Founder may seek to register more than one (1) SOI. SOI’s are void if they are, in whole or part, illegible, incomplete, damaged, altered, obtained through or containing any fraud or misrepresentation, late, or otherwise non-compliant with these Official Rules.
  17. FOUNDER.  A Founder is solely responsible for the conduct of anyone associated with them and their entry into the Contest and will be responsible for conduct that affects compliance with these Official Rules.
  18. LANGUAGE. All Entries, submissions, presentations, and materials must be in English.
  19. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRIES. Each individual seeking to participate in the Contest is solely responsible for all submission materials and presentation content they provide, in whole or in part, seeking to participate in the Contest.  You warrant and represent that any content or material you submit to the Event Producer (a) does not contain any defamatory, offensive or otherwise inappropriate content; (b) is your original work, not copied in any way, in whole or in part, and is exclusively owned by you and/or your startup business and is gratuitously provided without any restriction or limitation on its use by the Event Producer; (c) does not infringe or violate in any way the intellectual property rights or confidential or proprietary information of any other party; (d) does not contain any confidential, proprietary information, or any intellectual property of any entity or person, including that owned by you or your Startup entity; (e) does not contain any materials or content that violates any privacy or publicity rights of any person; (f) does not reflect any duty of attribution, or any compensation obligation; (g) does not contain any content that would violate any law, statute, ordinance, rule or regulation, or any type of agreement with another person or entity; (h) if using digital format to submit any material or content, that it does not contain software viruses, or any other harmful files designed to disrupt damage, impact, or limit the functioning of any software or hardware in any way; and (i) is not misleading, and is true and accurate in every detail.
  20. VERIFICATION AND DISQUALIFICATION. At all material times, each Contestant’s compliance with these Official Rules will be evaluated by Event Producer. The Event Producer reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to disqualify any Contestant at any time if it does not meet the requirements for entry into the Contest and/or if they are found to have participated in any of the following: (a) tampering or attempting to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest, or any website maintained or operated by Event Producer; (b) using any robotic, macro, automatic programmed, AI or any like type of entry methods; (c) any violation or non-compliance with these Official Rules; (d) engaging in unethical, inappropriate, or disruptive action or conduct, or taking any action inconsistent with these Official Rules that violates the fairness of the Contest and/or harms the reputation of the Event Producer or Event partners.
  21. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. The Contest is subject to these Official Rules and all applicable laws and shall be void where prohibited.
  22. CHANGES TO THE OFFICIAL RULES. The Event Producer reserves the right, at any time, to make any changes to these Official Rules and any other terms and/or conditions governing participation in the Event if it becomes necessary to do so, in the sole opinion and absolute discretion of the Event Producer.  
  23. CNGS DUBAI 2025 CONTEST CANCELLATION.  If for any reason the CNGS Dubai 2025 Contest is not capable of proceeding, the Event Producer reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Contest and in doing so will have no further obligation to any Contestant.  
  24. CANADIAN NATIONAL STARTUP CHAMPIONSHIP (CNSC) 2025 CANCELLATION. If for any reason the 2025 Canadian National Startup Championships are not capable of proceeding, the Event Producer reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Canadian National Startup Championships and in doing so will have no further obligation to the CNGS Dubai 2025 contest winner beyond the payment of the $10,000 Cash Prize to support the launch of their startup in the UAE

Do you have questions?

If you have any questions about the contest rules feel free to contact us and we will reply within two business days.